HERMIT LOOKBOOK - Photography by Ben Clement

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    Photo: Ben Clement
    Transration: So Saito
    Model: Martin Kirby, Joey Watanabe(Cityrights), Masaaki Miyamoto(OJI-CREW), Hideya Kumagai(OJI-CREW), Shioriybradshaw, Yuta Sasaki(HERMIT), Kentaro Saito(HERMIT)
    Special Thanks: Kota Hata, Hidenori Matsuoka, Our supporters


    At the end of 2012, HERMIT was established by three teenagers.

    Initially, these three were going to open a used clothing store, but their plan transformed into an idea to start their own clothing label.

    Even though they were clueless about how to run a clothing brand, they started making T-shirts by silk-screening with heaps of trial and error.

    The word HERMIT indicates "a solitary person" or "an animal of solitary habit".

    One such animal would be the hermit crab. In order to find their prefect fit, hermit crabs carefully examine the size and shape of an empty shell, which they make into its habit.

    This characteristic of solitary animals is no stranger to humans, especially when we choose the right clothes by color, shiluouette, and texture to fit our lifestyles.

    As for its graphic design, HERMIT adopts unique views and ideologies from counter-cultures like skateboarding. At the same time, HERMIT always pushes its boundaries with the interpretation of surrounding ideas to create clothing that is essential to our lives.

    With simple yet refined design/artwork and a little bit of playfulness, HERMIT pushes its aesthetic value and concept to the world. HERMIT will never stop until our products strike a chord in your hearts

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